
Executive Leadership Dinner

Executive Leadership Dinner

Location: The Pierre, New York City
Partner: BDO  (

JEGI CLARITY held its first Executive Leadership Dinner of 2024 on July 24th at the Pierre in New York starting at 6PM with cocktails. These events are structured as roundtable discussions and provide a stimulating evening of great conversation and networking.

This Dinner was titled “The Opportunity in B2B Data & Information.” The roundtable discussion was led by Matt Reilly, President & CEO of Fusable, who shared his perspectives on the evolving B2B data landscape, the impact of AI on the industry, and trends affecting the market.

The Dinner brought together approximately 35 senior executives from a mix of large global corporations and emerging companies.

Value Creation with AI – Productivity vs. Growth

Value Creation with AI – Productivity vs. Growth

JEGI CLARITY’s 20th Annual Media & Technology Conference in New York City brought together senior executives and investors from across the global media, marketing, information, and technology sectors.

At the conference, Philipp Mueller, Chief Analyst & Product Officer of Outsell moderated a panel titled, “Value Creation with AI – Productivity vs. Growth.” 

The panel featured Sejal Amin, Chief Technology Officer of Shutterstock, Nikesh Kalra, Chief Operating Officer of DeepMedia, and Ilya Meyzin, SVP, Head of Data Science at Dun & Bradstreet.

The discussion kicked off with Philipp reminding the audience that ChatGPT was only launched 15 months ago. While there has been time to understand what real value creation with AI can look like, achieving it still remains elusive for a lot of companies. He continued by sharing findings from a survey conducted by Outsell in Q3 2023 that revealed that over 80% of senior executives were experimenting with Gen AI, with a third feeling very confident that it would drive productivity improvements in their enterprises. However, nearly half of the respondents lacked confidence in the ROI of their AI investments, with only 10% anticipating revenue and growth.

A lot has happened since ChatGPT was launched nearly 15 months ago.

Philipp Mueller, Chief Analyst & Product Officer of Outsell

The Impact of Generative AI on Productivity

Gen AI’s impact on productivity was the first area of discussion with the panelists.

Sejal Amin elaborated on Shutterstock’s utilization of Gen AI to enhance productivity across their operations by improving customer experience through actionable insights to their customer and sales teams, optimizing developer workflows, and bolstering infrastructure security.

Ilya Meyzin, added that Dun & Bradstreet had been employing LLMS for several years (large language models) to improve data quality, ingest data, and generate new types of insights.

The Issue of Trust and Safety with Gen AI

As Gen AI adoption increases, concerns regarding trust and safety become more acute.

Nikesh Kalra from DeepMedia discussed AI’s role in helping trust & safety teams combat nefarious content, which he quoted is now a $20bn market. 

Adopting Gen AI solutions from the third quarter of last year, Ilya from Dun & Bradstreet, emphasized the importance of addressing biases and hallucinations in AI, implementing rigorous data governance practices, and most importantly, using trusted and validated data.

Gen AI models are amazing, but many of the leading models are trained on the entirety of the internet, and the internet is a Data Frankenstein.

Ilya Meyzin, SVP, Head of Data Science at Dun & Bradstreet

Shutterstock has been using AI well before Gen AI became the norm, explained Sejal, to understand the users and meet their needs through personalized search, recommendation engines and content discovery tools. With the growth of AI usage within their business, they had increased their trust and ethics practices.

Nikesh Kalra reminded the audience that generated content was not just gathered from social media, but also from Zoom calls and across other platforms. With even the larger news and information services now turning to user generated content from sources like TikTok, he spoke about a move towards greater investment in the authentication of the data supply chain.

Trust is ultimately all we really have to run a company, country, and the world on. Authenticating the supply chain of news, information, and data, is more important than it has ever been before.

Nikesh Kalra, Chief Operating Officer of DeepMedia

Licensing and Growth resulting from Generative AI

The conversation shifted to the potential to drive revenue and growth through Gen AI.

Dun & Bradstreet is navigating the delicate balance between licensing proprietary data and protecting market competitiveness, carefully weighing the revenue upside with strategic threats. Meanwhile, Shutterstock capitalized on its immense repository of assets through partnerships with Gen AI hyperscalers, resulting in their first deal with OpenAI in 2022. Sejal Amin, however, noted a shift in demand towards tailoring smaller data sets for more conversive models.

We have to understand the user and their needs because that is the core of everything we do… As we sell our data, keeping models clean is a huge part of the responsibility we have.

Sejal Amin, Chief Technology Officer of Shutterstock

What’s in store for Generative AI in 2024? 

Finally, the panelists speculated on what the biggest development in AI would be in 2024.

For Nikesh Kalra it was the weaponizing of AI during the perfect storm of global elections, virality of social media, and the adoption of AI on a massive scale. Both Ilya Meyzin and Sejal Amin envisioned that the “rubber will hit the road” on Gen AI with worldwide enterprise adoption of it. Ilya also highlighted that in 2024 the emphasis on guardrails – LLM safety controls and protocols – will become increasingly important.

In conclusion, the discussion emphasized the potential of Gen AI to drive value, productivity, and growth, alongside the imperative of addressing the challenges of risk and governance for all.

For more information about our conference please click here.

Flywheel: The Global Vision for E-commerce

Flywheel: The Global Vision for E-commerce

JEGI CLARITY’s 20th Annual Media & Technology Conference in New York City brought together senior executives and investors from across the global media, marketing, information, and technology sectors.

The Conference finished on a high with a captivating session featuring Wilma Jordan, Founder and CEO, North America of JEGI CLARITY, in conversation with Duncan Painter, Chief Executive Officer of Flywheel, in a session titled, Flywheel: The Global Vision for E-commerce.

Stellar track record of build and sell

Wilma began by introducing Duncan, highlighting his stellar track record of building and selling businesses with achievements including a $848m deal for WGSN with private equity Apax Partners and the sale of Flywheel Digital to Omnicom for $835m. Duncan shared insights from his career, from founding consumer intelligence provider ClarityBlue, to navigating the challenges of transforming Emap from a company with zero market value through an IPO, generating a 1.5x return.

My first 180-day plan at Emap was just to stop us having to hand the keys back… stopping us going bankrupt was basically the mission.

Omnicom’s purchase of Flywheel

Transitioning to Duncan’s current role within Omnicom, the conversation turned towards retail marketplaces as a pivotable force shaping the digital landscape, and the impact they will have on the consumer orientated purchase industry. Duncan highlighted the seismic changes looming and cited John Wren, Omnicom’s Group CEO, for his foresight in positioning the organization at the forefront of change with the purchase of Flywheel.

Future of E-commerce

The discussion naturally progressed to Duncan’s perspectives on the evolving landscape of e-commerce and the future of retail.

The retail market, including retail marketplaces and retail media, is poised to undergo significant changes in the digital industry. This shift is often misunderstood, yet it represents the next major transformation in the field.

Duncan emphasized the dynamic nature of retail markets, comparing them to the stock market. He highlighted that the role of first party data is one part of the change but emphasized that the most significant element will be the provision, for the first time ever, of direct-to-consumer capabilities at mass scale with a real time view of trading across all environments. He quoted staggering statistics demonstrating Flywheel’s influence across global marketplaces with ownership of 50% of the top consumer packaged goods (CPG), 6,000 clients that use their platforms across 29 countries globally.

Throughout the day, our systems and teams constantly monitor trading activities across all our platforms in real time. The gross merchandise value (GMV) we influence amounts to hundreds of billions.

He continued by explaining that when they started to build Flywheel in 2015, they realized that they had to be inside the walled gardens of the marketplaces, building and leveraging capability for their brands. This approach not only allows the manufacturer to meet, and sell to their customers directly, but to know how every single US$ spent performs, allowing for pure retail optimization.

The future of bricks and mortar retail

With this retail trajectory, Duncan predicted that there will still be physical stores in 20-30 years, however they will be transformed into warehouses for collection rather than for customer facing retail space. With online retail sales expected to meet 40% of market share by next year and grow to 60-70% in the next five years, Duncan stressed the importance of a digital first approach, particularly as Generation Alpha had already reached 97% digital engagement.

If you aren’t a digitally enabled and digital first business, able to leverage and in a world where marketplaces will be the norm, then you are not really prepared for this 10-15 year wave.

The role of humans in future retail

Wilma inquired about the impact of digital retail on the retail workforce in the next 10 years with Duncan explaining a shift towards a more dynamic approach, where retailers would need to be “hedge fund managers rather than portfolio managers”. He explained that last year 70% of net growth on marketplaces within Amazon in the US came from direct brands from China trading directly, selling to the US population. He warned that Western retailers need to rethink their sales strategies to remain competitive against East Asian retailers whose P&Ls don’t include high salaried product, sales, and marketing directors, and therefore having the ability to invest in optimizing their products on retail marketplaces.

The current global landscape is undergoing significant changes. Traditional barriers to building, creating, and selling are diminishing, while economic models are evolving rapidly, facilitated by the rise of global marketplaces. This transformation is occurring so swiftly that many organizations have not fully grasped the implications of these shifts.

The rise of retail media

With the retail media market growing 100% year on year, even before optimization is realized, Duncan believed it will become the largest retail platform, boasting unparalleled attribution capabilities, “for the first time ever attribution is pure.” He underscored its transformative potential in advertising effectiveness and revenue generation, particularly evident in Amazon’s revenue streams.

For more information about our conference please click here.

Media & Technology Conference | Key Takeaways

Media & Technology Conference | Key Takeaways

Our 20th Annual Media & Technology Conference was a preeminent, must-attend event for senior executives across the media, marketing, information and technology sectors.  Attendees heard intimate discussions from an array of world class business leaders and executives who shared their experiences managing through today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving landscape as well as their strategies for success in the year ahead. Nearly 600 attendees joined us with a mixture of world-class founders and entrepreneurs, C-level executives and senior investment leaders creating an energized, vibrant and positive atmosphere once more.

Some of our key takeaways from the day include the following:

As we head into the Spring of 2024 the entrepreneurial spirit of the Founders we have worked with over the years has never been more apparent as companies have emerged from the pandemic with reimagined business models and an eye towards a future that brings both promise and uncertainty.

Human capital and board level cohesion has never been more important to a company’s long-term success.

AI is seen as a disruptive and transformative force of nature across the tech enabled services landscape. Early adoption of this technology is not an option; rapid yet responsible deployment of a test and learn approach is widely seen as the optimal path forward. The complexity and variety of use cases for the technology creates opportunities for consultancies and digital transformation strategists who will chart the path forward.

Data is the fuel that drives innovation. First party data in a post cookie and privacy constrained world is essential. A major shift in power is underway between media companies and retailers as purchase data creates leverage with brand marketers and product manufacturers.

Retail Media has emerged as the hottest subsector in digital and opens the door to a more direct customer and retailer relationship. Omnicom’s recent $850M acquisition of Flywheel, a retail services platform, demonstrates this shift as well as the proliferation of Retail Media Networks that have taken market share in the past year. Walmart’s recent bid for Vizio, a CTV manufacturer with a media business is also a sign of retail’s aggressive move into media.

The transformation of B2B is well underway resulting in the integration of customer touchpoints across the discover, learn, and buy continuum. Technology drives mass personalization, content engages and educates, and experiences provide amplification when integrated into the journey.

Google, Facebook, and Amazon dominate the digital media ecosystem, commanding 65% of digital spend in the U.S. The open market now represents about $14B in digital spend. CTV, online video, and YouTube combined represents $63B (now larger than the $60B linear broadcast market) and growing at a 20% CAGR. Building a business outside these walled gardens can be very difficult, but building capabilities inside them can be very rewarding.

M&A transactions can be complex and unpredictable but one important factor to be thinking about is “data readiness”; the idea here is to understand that a significant portion of your company’s value is determined by the strength of your business metrics, which includes: KPI’s, benchmarks, and of course financials.

Understanding how buyers value your business beyond the bottom-line and well in advance will always pay dividends down the road when it comes time to transact.

In the face of global crises, organizations have honed their crisis management skills adeptly but have neglected long-term strategic planning. Employees want inspiration, clarity regarding the company’s direction, transparency in its journey, and recognition of their contributions. These factors are managed differently when dealing with crises such as Covid. It is crucial to think about how to get back to a long-term strategic planning mindset.

In the era of Gen AI, the technology itself is not a barrier; the critical consideration lies in identifying which problems that technology can address effectively. It is important to be deliberate in selecting the appropriate applications for this technology.

The Corporate Transparency Act, which went into effect on January 1st of this year, requires entities formed by filings with Secretaries of State to submit beneficial ownership information to the Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Exemptions apply to 23 types of entities. However, many exemptions are far from straightforward in their drafting and application. Some examples of exemptions are employee headcount threshold and revenue threshold. This Act should be on all companies’ radars going forward.

Private Equity investors are hungry for deals based on prolonged holding periods for many portfolios. While JEGI CLARITY has executed over 25 deals in the last 15 months, there has been a dearth of deal flow in many sectors.

M&A activity has been markedly down over the last year, primarily attributed to difficult macro-economic conditions, geopolitical uncertainty, a slowdown in tech investments and valuations and a challenging bid ask spread between buyer and seller. Companies that have managed to maintain revenues and/or grow over the last year are in a fantastic position to stand out in a supply-constrained market.

Private Equity and Strategics have scaled up sourcing efforts in an attempt to identify targets, Founders should anticipate a ton of inbound in advance of an active Spring to Summer M&A market. The time value of money and pressure from LP’s will contribute to some harvesting of portfolio gains this year and perhaps reset valuations for the coming year. Net net, there’s a window of opportunity ahead for sellers and buyers alike.

To learn more about our 2024 conference, please visit here. If you have any other questions about our conference, please contact us.

Media & Technology Conference

Media & Technology Conference

Location:  The Pierre: 2 East 61st Street at Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10065

The 20th Anniversary Event
Two Decades of Exceptional Evolution

Our 20th annual Media & Technology Conference was a preeminent, can’t-miss event for nearly 600 senior executives across the media, marketing, information and technology sectors.

The theme of the conference this year was Two Decades of Exceptional Evolution. Attendees heard intimate discussions from an array of world class leaders and executives who shared their experiences managing through today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving landscape as well as their strategies for success in the year ahead.

2024 Conference Materials

2024 Conference Speakers

Sejal Amin, Chief Technology Officer | Shutterstock

Keia Clarke, Chief Executive Officer | New York Liberty

Laura Correnti, Founder & CEO | Deep Blue Sports + Entertainment

Elizabeth Deeming, Chief Executive Officer | MVF

Bob Dethlefs, Founder & Former CEO | Evanta; Chairman | CyberRisk Alliance

Robert Dickey, Partner | Morgan Lewis

Patrick Donoghue, National Managing Principal, Corporate Finance & Transaction Advisory Services; Private Equity Industry Leader | BDO

Kerry Gumas, Founder & CEO | Metacomet Advisors

Heather Holst-Knudsen, Founder & CEO | H2K Labs

Nikesh Kalra, Chief Operating Officer | DeepMedia

Doug Manoni, Founder & CEO | CyberRisk Alliance

Philipp Mueller, Chief Analyst & Product Officer | Outsell

Ilya Meyzin, Head of Data Science | Dun & Bradstreet

Duncan Painter, Chief Executive Officer | Flywheel

Scott Peters, Co-Founder & Managing Partner | Growth Catalyst Partners

Gemma Postlethwaite, Chief Executive Officer | GLG

John Rose, Managing Director & Senior Partner | Boston Consulting Group

Breanna Stewart, Power Forward for the NY Liberty, 2x WNBA Champion, 2x Olympic Gold Medalist, 2x WNBA MVP, 5x WNBA All-Star, 4x NCAA Champion

Anthea Stratigos, Co-Founder & CEO | Outsell

Sean Sullivan, Managing Director & Head of Direct Lending Origination | Morgan Stanley

Andrew Tisdale, Senior Managing Director & Co-Head of Europe | Providence Equity

Mark Williams, Chief Revenue Officer, Americas | Datasite

Bill Wise, Co-Founder & CEO | Mediaocean

We would like to thank our valued, blue-chip sponsors for supporting the event

Jon Thackeray Promoted to Managing Director

Jon Thackeray Promoted to Managing Director

New York, NY, February 6, 2024 – JEGI CLARITY, a preeminent M&A advisory firm for the global media, marketing, information and technology industries, headquartered in New York, NY and London, UK, is pleased to announce that Jon Thackeray has been promoted to Managing Director.  Jon joined the firm four years ago and is based in the New York office. He advises clients on mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and capital raises across the media, entertainment, legal, GRC, marketing and technology-enabled services sectors and is instrumental in the firm’s coverage of financial sponsors. Jon has advised on a wide range of transactions across M&A, debt and equity capital markets and strategic advisory assignments, with a total deal value in excess of $20bn.

Prior to joining JEGI CLARITY, Jon was a Director with Citi’s Global Media and Communications investment banking team, where he worked for eight years. He began his career in public accounting at Deloitte, working for a variety of public and private clients.

Commenting on his promotion, Jon said, “I am very excited to continue working alongside our incredibly dedicated and talented senior leadership team. I am grateful to all of the wonderful JEGI CLARITY clients whom I have had the privilege of advising, and I look forward to continuing to build on that success, driving successful outcomes for all stakeholders through our sound advice and subject matter expertise within our core sectors.”

Wilma Jordan, Founder & CEO, North America of JEGI CLARITY, noted, “Jon is deep in his sectors and is tailor-made for this next step in his career…he knows the Financial Sponsor field well, and we believe will be very successful in making inroads across the board.”

Jon holds an MBA from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University, and both an MS in Accounting and a BS in Accounting and Finance from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. He is a registered FINRA representative and a Certified Public Accountant.

A Glimpse Into 2024

A Glimpse Into 2024

As we embark on 2024, our global team offers their personal insights into the outlook for M&A and Private Equity across our sectors.

From a North America market perspective, I am optimistic that M&A activity will increase in 2024. Three factors contribute to this outlook.

Firstly, the accumulated dry powder among private equity firms in the US has surged from $2.39tn to a record $2.59tn over the past 12 months and many private equity clients are actively speaking to us about how they can deploy this both in traditional processes, and more creatively. Expect to see funds focusing more than ever on carve-out opportunities and asset combinations where they can create opportunities to invest outside of banker-led processes.

Secondly, given the challenging M&A market over the last 12 months, many U.S. private equity firms have portfolio companies that have exceeded their optimal holding period. In other terms, companies lingering in private equity portfolios for more than 5 years will need to be sold, as the time value of money diminishes with each passing year and pressure grows from LPs to return funds.

Lastly, assuming that the Fed is on track to start lowering interest rates in 2024, the cost of capital will decline with these reduced rates and the markets are currently pricing in a reduction of 50 – 100bps. We expect this to motivate buyers to adopt a more assertive approach in acquisitions as well as give sellers the confidence they need to take their companies to market at attractive values.

The US economy has remained stronger than many European economies, and US strategic buyers remain focused on acquiring growth both domestically and internationally. We predict that European based private equity owned companies will increasingly look to the US for buyers and investors, both as tuck-ins to existing platforms or as potential platforms in their own right.

All these dynamics will make for a more stable M&A environment that will engender confidence for buyers and sellers.

The US economy has remained stronger than many European economies, and US strategic buyers remain focused on acquiring growth both domestically and internationally.

From a UK market perspective, I feel far more upbeat going into 2024 than I did going into 2023. While the outlook for the UK economy for 2024 is mixed, we are entering a period of greater certainty in the markets which, absent any new shocks, will drive opportunity for dealmakers.

Several of the key economic indicators look better than they have at any point in the last 12 months, with headline inflation down from over 10% to under 4% today and forecast to return to more “normal” levels by the end of the year. The markets are pricing in a reduction in interest rates of over 100bps and importantly consumer sentiment appears to have turned a corner as real income levels begin to improve.

This macro-sentiment reflects what we are hearing from companies across our sectors – 2023 was hard work for the majority and really a question of managing through, 2024 is about a return to growth.

From an M&A perspective we are seeing a growing pipeline of opportunities which should come to market during the year, across both private equity and founder owned businesses. Pitch activity was higher in Q4 than at any other point last year albeit in terms of timing, it feels like most businesses will be waiting to see how 2023 closed out, and what visibility looks like on 2024 before they push the button on going to market. Everyone is aware that 2024 won’t be 2021, the bar is higher and hence every transaction will get an increased level of scrutiny from buyers and investors alike, so vendors and their advisors will be keen to ensure that all boxes are ticked – financial, commercial, and strategic – in advance of engaging in a process.

Despite the challenges of the last 12 to 18 months, the UK digital economy and ecosystem is as strong and vital as ever – continuing to grow, innovate and evolve at an exciting pace and constantly creating new ideas and opportunities, which in turn should make for a return of a vibrant M&A market in due course.

While the outlook for the UK economy for 2024 is mixed, we are entering a period of greater certainty in the markets which, absent any new shocks, will drive opportunity for dealmakers.

2023 was clearly a challenging year for private equity across EMEA: a difficult economic environment combining high inflation, high interest rates and recessionary worries; broader macro concerns around geo-political instability and the impact of Gen AI; a dearth of top quartile assets choosing to come to market; and mis-matched buyer and seller price expectations. Given all this, it was no surprise that the number of European private equity deals across our sectors fell by 32% versus 2022, with the more leverage-reliant mid and upper market feeling the squeeze in particular.

Looking into 2024, we’d certainly hope that private equity related M&A will pick up.

On the sell-side, buy-out groups globally have a record $2.8tn in unsold investments, and GPs are under increasing pressure to start returning a flow of capital to LPs, not least in the context of a tough fundraising environment. Funds need to find a way to start exiting old investments over 2024 and they will likely become more creative about how they do this where needed. We are increasingly hearing more about private equity funds being open to structured transactions including deferred components and reinvestments to get deals closed in a way that they would not have contemplated in 2021.

On the buy-side, while everyone has talked about dry-powder for years now, it remains incredibly relevant. European private equity firms are sitting on a record €350bn of cash reserves, and although some of this can and has been deployed into existing companies or through continuation funds, ultimately both LPs and GPs need to see this being invested into new platforms. The broader economic and M&A environment should help achieve this in 2024 – inflation has dropped sharply across the region, interest rates are expected to fall through 2024, recessionary concerns are easing at an IC level and buyer-seller pricing expectations are beginning to align.

Of course, timing on this is hard to call but we would hope that these factors will drive markedly higher private equity related M&A by the end of Q2.

It was no surprise that the number of European private equity deals across our sectors fell by 32% versus 2022, with the more leverage-reliant mid and upper market feeling the squeeze in particular.

Many in the start-up and venture capital community will be glad to see the back of 2023.

While some companies across our sectors continued to deliver truly impressive growth and/or profitability, for many it was a hard year with founders and entrepreneurs needing to focus much more on scalability, unit economics, GTM efficiency and cash break-even vs. topline growth, with the difficult cost-restructuring decisions that often came along with this.

Similarly, many investors were left looking hard at their in-prices and capital structures vs current asset valuations.

Looking forward, it feels like 2024 is going to be a year of re-alignment.

From an operational perspective, a lot of the really hard work has been delivered so companies are better aligned for the current environment. That may not mean a return to the 2021 and 2022 growth rates, but it does mean much more achievable, capital efficient and sustainable growth through 2024 albeit at a slightly slower pace.

From an M&A perspective, we definitely expect an uptick in M&A across the VC market over 2024 for several reasons. Firstly, we are already seeing much closer alignment around pricing between buyers and sellers, and we expect that alignment to get closer over the coming months. Secondly, strategics are back at the table, particularly in North America, as public market tech valuations have continued to strengthen in recent months. And lastly, many founder and VC backed companies are now looking at being part of a larger strategic in a more positive way than they would have done a couple of years ago – there are potentially huge synergy opportunities for independent businesses with the right larger partner, and an increasing number of independents are keen to explore these.

While some companies across our sectors continued to deliver truly impressive growth and/or profitability, for many it was a hard year.

If you have any queries or would like to have an in depth discussion on this article or the broader market please Contact us.

AI-volution | Legal & Compliance Technology

AI-volution | The unfolding story Legal & Compliance Technology

Authors:  Scott Mozarsky (Managing Director, US) & San Datta (Partner, EMEA)

Generative AI represents the next, and potentially most meaningful, key stage of Artificial Intelligence impacting the legal market. Generative AI ushers in a new era of efficiency involving automating routine tasks, enhancing legal research, and reshaping how lawyers construct arguments. Its potential to unlock unprecedented insights, streamline contract management, and predict legal outcomes heralds a transformative journey that promises to redefine the legal landscape for lawyers and clients alike.

History of AI in the Legal Industry

AI has already had an undeniable impact on the legal industry. There have been several pivotal stages, from eDiscovery Technology Assisted Review (TAR) and Litigation Analytics to Document Automation and Contract Analytics, that are important to understand when considering the impact that we anticipate Generative AI will have on this market.

The legal world saw its first glimpse of AI’s potential back in 2005 with eDiscovery TAR, which introduced a future where artificial intelligence could perform document review by detecting patterns in documents, effectively optimizing the tedious discovery process. TAR has been a critical driver of eDiscovery ranging up to becoming a $20B industry. Despite the subsequent innovations, across the market TAR remains the largest and most successful example of AI’s impact on the legal market.

Fast forward to 2012, and the legal market began to witness the rise of litigation analytics. Litigation analytics involved leveraging AI to detect patterns in data coming out of dockets, and case law to deliver profound insights and analytics on law firms, companies, and judges. These analytics are used for business and practice of law purposes. At first, the market was dominated by companies like Bloomberg Law, Docket Alarm and Lex Machina, but now a diverse range of players, from established companies to nimble startups, offer litigation analytics.

The mid-2010s marked a period of transformation through document automation. Before the era of Generative AI, we witnessed automated form completion based on decision trees and app-driven expert systems. Neota Logic and LegalZoom were early disruptors across both B2B and B2C, while Legalmation led the way in providing automation of pleadings in litigation. Since then, no-code/low-code platforms have become increasingly popular, allowing users to deploy software applications without needing a technical background.

The impact of AI extended to contract analytics, encompassing everything from pre-execution contract analysis to contract lifecycle management. Pattern recognition AI technology, effectively the early TAR on steroids, laid the foundation for contract analytics. Not limited to just legal use cases, contract analytics also ventured into compliance and front of the house use cases. A surge in capital raises during 2019-2021, and early 2022 has led to inevitable market consolidation.

Generative AI: Shaping the Future

The arrival of Generative AI back in 2022 heralds a new era of efficiency and effectiveness for legal professionals. Lawyers can leverage AI to handle repetitive and lower-end tasks, freeing up invaluable time and resources for higher-complexity, value-added work. In-house legal groups are increasingly turning to AI and tech-enabled solutions instead of relying on outside counsel. These advancements are now bearing fruit for early adaptors.

Internet browsers and the World Wide Web popularized the Internet for most people, and that development transformed whole industries, including law. In a similar way, Generative AI is the first exposure that most people have to powerful AI tools. Generative AI is just as disruptive. It is already changing what legal services law firms offer, how they price services, and what tasks corporate legal departments can handle in-house.

Ed Walters, Chief Strategy Officer, vLex

Automated Legal Research and Analysis

Generative AI possesses the unparalleled ability to process vast volumes of data faster and more accurately than humans. It can extract relevant information, answer questions, and build robust legal arguments.

Litigation Moneyball

Legal professionals can use Generative AI to analyze data to identify high-value clients, predict likely outcomes and behaviors, and recommend case strategies and settlement analysis. This revolutionary technology is already transforming areas such as personal injury, class action, and mass torts.

Contract Generation and Management

Generative AI streamlines the process of drafting and negotiating contracts. It provides invaluable insights that have the potential to standardize certain contract types across the market.

Litigation Workflow Enhancement

The benefits of Generative AI extend to AI-generated case law summaries, accelerated document review and summarization, deposition preparation, and regulatory compliance. It even takes on tasks like automated transcription, brief preparation, and formatting.

Conclusion: Embracing the AI-Powered Future 

While we stand at the threshold of Generative AI’s influence in the legal market, its accuracy and adoption are still in the early stages. Yet, the trajectory is clear. Generative AI is poised to transform workflows, enhance efficiency, and empower lawyers to focus on the more strategic aspects of their profession. In the end, the synergy between human expertise and artificial intelligence is the way forward in the legal world.

M&A Role

Given the anticipated pace of transformation and the increasing adoption of Generative AI, we expect M&A to play a pivotal role in the legal market as firms look to gain a competitive edge. The table below includes AI-related transactions in 2023, which highlights this trend.

We look forward to continuing the conversation as the AI-story unfolds. If you have any queries or would like to have an in depth discussion on this topic or the broader market please Contact us. Our next AI article delves into the world of Events and Conferences.

Executive Leadership Dinner

Executive Leadership Dinner

Location: The Pierre, New York City
Partner: BDO  (

JEGI CLARITY held its third Executive Leadership Dinner of 2023 on October 19th at the Pierre in New York starting at 6PM with cocktails. These events are structured as roundtable discussions and provide a stimulating evening of great conversation and networking.

This dinner was titled “An Insider’s View of the Rapidly Changing Research & Insights Landscape.” The roundtable discussion was led by Steve Schlesinger, Executive Chairman of Sago, who shared his perspectives on the evolving research and insights industry. The dinner brought together approximately 35 senior executives from a mix of large global corporations and emerging companies. Below is an overview of the discussion from attendee Jillian Gibbs, Founder & CEO of APR.

Steve posed many thought-provoking questions to the group, kicking off with “Given the dynamics in the world right now, geopolitically, socioeconomically and overall client behavior, what should companies be doing today to be successful?” In response, the consensus leaned towards prioritizing customer success and relationship management. The key takeaways included a commitment to excelling in one’s core competencies, fostering close proximity with clients and focusing efforts on overdelivering to solidify existing partnerships. Staying in tune with the evolving needs of clients was highlighted as essential, ensuring that support remains tailored and effective. Leveraging satisfied clients as influential voices to generate new business leads was also encouraged. Finally, the proactive offering of multi-year contracts at a discount emerged as a strategy to cement these crucial relationships, securing a path to long-term success.

The group discussed opportunities, challenges, and trends in the research and insights industry. One significant trend mentioned is the shift of tech companies using consulting as a lead generation strategy to drive their subscription models, which is the opposite of how it was done in prior years. This change underscores the growing importance of consulting services in the tech sector. Additionally, clients are increasingly outsourcing roles such as data and business analysts, a shift that businesses in this space should leverage to expand their services and expertise. Furthermore, it’s crucial to help clients achieve more with less, offering efficiency and cost-effectiveness without compromising the quality of work. This approach will enhance client satisfaction and retention.

Observing the changes from the previous year, there’s a clear trend in clients shifting from annual plans to quarterly plans, reflecting the need for agility in these rapidly changing times. Additionally, AI has become a pivotal tool for data, and it’s essential for businesses to consider how they can incorporate AI into their operations to enhance productivity and services. Lastly, the idea that “flat is the new growth” means that companies that can maintain a stable revenue while improving their EBITDA performance are considered successful in the current environment.

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