
The Marketing Services M&A Market is poised for a return

The Marketing Services M&A Market is poised for a return

We are anticipating a significant rebound in M&A activity for the Marketing Services sector as we enter the back half of 2024. Supported by our recent Digital Services market studies in Europe and North America, where we interviewed executive leaders at global independent digital services companies, as well as recent signs of broad recovery in global M&A activity.

Transaction activity in Q2 2024 shows an 11% increase from Q1. In Q2 2024, 424 transactions were completed globally, up from 383 in Q1 2024. This rise is particularly significant as Q1 marked the eighth consecutive quarter of decline from a peak of 617 transactions in Q1 2022.

*Source: Pitchbook Financial Database

Within the Marketing Services sector specifically, our recent engagements and pitches indicate robust activity for Q4 2024, with the potential to return to recent peak volumes in the first half of 2025. This optimism is shared by many in the industry, reflecting a broader sentiment of recovery.

Factors driving this positive trend include the following:

  • Decline in inflation and interest rates: Declining inflation and the anticipation of interest rate reductions are primary influences, which in turn are easing debt markets and facilitating transaction activity.
  • Recovery of marketing budgets: Marketing budgets are bouncing back faster and being deployed more rapidly, improving visibility, and leading to the majority of agency CEOs interviewed anticipating stronger performance in the second half of 2024.
  • Backlog of companies seeking an exit: Several Private Equity-backed Digital Services platforms are eyeing an exit after delays of up to 24 months, with many waiting for three to four quarters of robust growth as a trigger to launch a process.
  • Olympics and U.S. Presidential Election:  Notable spending attached to the Summer Olympics and anticipated windfall of political budgets will create additional momentum.
  • Operational efficiencies beginning to be felt with AI:  The adaptation of AI as an efficiency tool across disparate operational functions from Enterprise to SMB businesses are beginning to be realized.

As we navigate this dynamic landscape, the groundwork is being laid for sustained recovery in Global Marketing Services M&A activity, reflecting renewed business confidence and economic stability.  

If you would like to speak to us about this topic or the broader market, please contact us.


Private Equity and M&A Forum | Spain

Private Equity and M&A Forum | Spain

Director, Patricia Vicente, recently attended the Mergermarket Private Equity and M&A Forum in Madrid, Spain. An annual event that gathers stakeholders across the Iberian M&A and Private Equity market to hear industry leaders participate in interactive panel discussions, and network with others in the dealmaking community. Here are her key reflections from the event:

General Market Conditions

Although 2023 was a challenging year, the Spanish economy has shown some resilience, attracting substantial international interest including in the Tech space.  However, many transactions took longer to close and were harder to execute, due to increased due diligence requirements and the introduction of more complex earnouts to bridge valuation gaps.

As those at the event concluded, there has been a positive shift in sentiment recently, with the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) market buoyant in the first half of the year. Internet, Software and IT services ranked as the second most active sector based on the number of transactions in the first month of this year. 

There is optimism after the European Central Bank (ECB) reduced interest rates, from 4% to 3.75%, fostering a positive market outlook.  Combined with transactions such as Cinven’s sale of agritech company Planasa to Germany’s EW Group, with a reported valuation of around EUR 900m, there are clear signals of market momentum.

Source: Mergermarket

Healthy Pipelines

Key plenaries and stakeholders agreed that transaction pipelines appear robust, with the expectations that the valuation gap will narrow. Despite last year’s challenges, high quality assets that traded last year held their value well.

Future activity will require innovation

Attendees acknowledged that future activity would require innovation and flexibility from buyers, with bidders utilizing alternative finance tools and seeking ways to cover liability where the seller is not willing to assume it. Debt is also making a comeback, including more diverse funding sources and creative solutions. There was also optimism about a resurgence in initial public offering (IPOs).

If you would like to speak to us about the Iberian or EMEA markets, please contact Patricia Vicente directly.


Women in Finance Breakfast | Soft Power, Not Superwoman

Women in Finance Breakfast | Soft Power, Not Superwoman

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, we were delighted to hold a Women in Finance breakfast roundtable hosted by Patricia Vicente, Director, and featuring guest speaker Begoña F Alepuz, corporate leadership and women’s coach. 

Trained by the esteemed Dr Joanna Martin of the global women’s leadership organization, One of many®, Begoña led an insightful discussion on the transformative concept of soft power. This approach empowers women to access their inner resilience, fostering authentic connections with themselves and others. Soft power equips us to navigate life’s challenges effectively, while sustaining mental health. 

It was inspiring to see so many women from the finance sector explore how we integrate soft power principles in our workplaces. Discussions revolved around nurturing self-compassion and self-care, enhancing effective communication, and setting boundaries to reduce misunderstanding and stress, promoting collaboration and resilience, and embracing adaptability to cultivate a growth mindset.

Furthermore, the session highlighted the impact on individual’s mental health when operating in, what Geert Hofstede defines as, a masculine paradigm emphasizing assertiveness, heroism and achievement versus a feminine paradigm valuing cooperation, modesty and quality of life, and the need for change. 

Key insights from the breakfast included the importance of mental health at the center of our workplaces and lives and that soft power principles will enable us to be effective women leaders and drive change together.

We would like to thank all the attendees for participating in the event and Begoña for joining us and facilitating the session. 

If you are a woman in finance and would like to attend a future event, please do contact us.

European Digital Services Market | The Investment Opportunity

European Digital Services Market The Investment Opportunity

While the digital services industry faced challenges in 2023, there are signs for recovery and growth in 2024, with a focus on building integrated capabilities, leveraging AI, and driving scale via M&A.

JEGI CLARITY and CIL have conducted a comprehensive survey of leading independent businesses in the European digital services market to understand their outlook for 2024 and what opportunities they see for the year ahead.

The survey focused on three areas:

  • Market conditions: how demand for services has changed in 2023 and likely areas for growth in 2024.
  • Industry trends: how margin dynamics have impacted group structures and which trends are having the greatest impact.
  • M&A outlook: which areas are going to be the focus for investment and what
    is the outlook for M&A.

While the digital services industry faced challenges in 2023, there are signs for recovery and growth in 2024, with a focus on building capabilities, leveraging AI, and driving scale via M&A.

If you would like an in depth discussion on this topic please contact us. 

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week
May 13 – 19, 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 takes place from 13 to 19 May, on the theme of “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”

In light of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, JEGI CLARITY highlights the importance of mental health in the workplace and has taken a proactive approach by registering staff for mental health awareness training.

By prioritizing mental health, we foster a supportive workplace culture, boost productivity and job satisfaction, and mitigate stress and burnout. Mental health training equips employees to recognize common mental health issues, reduce stigma, and provide appropriate support and referrals, building a resilient and adaptable workforce for long-term sustainability.

The theme this year is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. But so many of us struggle to move enough. We know there are many different reasons for this, so we are encouraging our teams to find moments for movement in their daily routines. Going for a walk around your office or in your neighborhood, putting on your favorite music and dancing around the living room, and even chair exercises when you are in front of the screens.

36% of UK adults find it challenging to find the time for physical activity

This #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, we are supporting @mentalhealth to get everyone moving more.

Find out more:

AI-volution | The unfolding story

AI-volution | The unfolding story

Recent breakthroughs, such as the advent of Generative AI tools herald a new era set to rival the impact that personal computers, the internet, and smartphones had on our lives.

This wave of innovation has the potential to propel industries forward at a pace, promising to revolutionize the way businesses operate. Tasks, once mundane, are being automated, insights are generated with greater precision, and decision-making is reaching new heights of sophistication. At the same time, AI is opening up fresh avenues of growth, sparking product and service innovations, redefining value propositions and driving operational efficiencies.

One fundamental theme, something that has been consistent across all of our research, remains the importance of the human touch. As the story unfolds, AI’s true power lies in its ability to complement and enhance human capabilities, accelerating progress and efficiency, and delivering higher quality end products and experiences. Firms are actively harnessing AI and related capabilities fueling a surge in M&A activity, as they strive to gain an edge in an increasingly digital economy.

Our report is designed to identify key themes arising from AI developments and their subsequent impact on businesses and M&A
across the following sectors:

We look forward to continuing the conversation as the story unfolds. In the meantime, if you have any queries or would like to have an in depth discussion on this topic or the broader market contact us

Women in Finance Dinner

Women in Finance Dinner

We were thrilled to hold our Women in Finance dinner last week in London, hosted by Patricia Vicente, UK Director, and Kathleen Thomas, Managing Director in our New York office.  The event brought together an exceptional group of women from the M&A community, alongside senior executives in the digital media and content, marketing, B2B information and events and technology sectors. 

Return to Growth 

The prevailing sentiment among attendees was of cautious optimism for a return to growth in 2024, following a challenging year in 2023.  Encouraging signs, such as high levels of dry powder and approximately 50% of buyout portfolio companies held for over four years suggesting a need to deploy capital and hinted at increased activity in months ahead. 

This was also supported with the consensus that there would be a decline in interest rates in the UK by year end, although expectations tempered with the understanding that they were unlikely to revert to pre-2022 levels, bringing a level of continued pressure on valuations.  It was noted that premium assets were still trading at good multiples but there was hesitancy from sellers about not achieving expectations.  

The Impact of AI 

Discussions turned to AI and its transformative impact on various business models within the marketing services and media sectors, with the conclusion that the events and conference space would be less affected than advertising and marketing sectors.  It was remarked that investor discussions needed to incorporate clear strategies around embracing AI. 

As always, thank you to all of those who attended the Women in Finance dinner.  

If you are interested in attending one of our future events, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

MWC24 | Key Takeaways

MWC24 | Key Takeaways

Author: Patricia Vicente, Director

It was good to be back at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona last week, which once again confirmed its place as the preeminent place for innovation, showcasing the latest developments in mobile technology. Beyond merely presenting cutting-edge innovations, the event highlighted how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming the core fabric of mobile engineering today. From devices demonstrating seamless human-machine interaction to products highlighting intelligent automation, the conference illuminated AI’s pivotal role and how this technology is poised to transform future businesses.

Spending much of my time in the 4YFN (Four Years from Now) area, there was a consensus with Nigel Toon, bestselling author of ‘How AI thinks’, that we are still at the “Pac-Man” phase of AI, with much speculation about what the future will look like, how its adoption will play out in certain sectors, and of course the challenges it raises around privacy and copyright.

I was particularly interested in Sir Martin Sorrell’s session ‘The Interplay of Political Instability, AI, Marketing and Advertising’. He revealed that out of last year’s US$950Bn advertising spend, US$650Bn was allocated to digital media platforms, including Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent and the TikTok parent company, ByteDance. The irony was not lost on me that while experiencing an average revenue growth of 10-12%, they had concurrently reduced their marketing budgets significantly. The role of the middleman in marketing services was also questioned when innovations like Sora, powered by OpenAI, had the capacity to translate text directly into images.

­­Sorrell gave examples of the impact AI will have on the future of advertising such as its ability to scale creative assets by three to fourfold, and how it will expand the media and planning network exponentially – both resulting in hyper-personalization.  However, he continued to emphasize how human invention and creativity remain indispensable.

If you are interested in exploring key themes arising from AI developments in select sub-sectors, please visit our insights page.

For further information or to have a discussion about the market more broadly please contact us.

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day #inspireinclusion

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.

International Women’s Day (IWD) provides a key opportunity for organizations worldwide to reinforce and amplify their ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through actively forging women’s advancement. 

By championing inclusion, we at JEGI CLARITY harness the full potential of diverse perspectives.

International Women’s Day provides an important opportunity to fundraise for female-focused charities, help raise their visibility, and amplify awareness raising efforts. If you would like to find out more, please click here.

Transaction Update | 2023

Transaction Update

Despite global dealmaking having seen a significant drop in 2023 amidst challenging market conditions, we continued to strengthen our position as the definitive independent M&A advisor in our sectors, with over 20 completed transactions in the last 12 months.

In the same period we saw an increase in the proportion of deals done with Corporate (20%) vs Private Equity (40%) and in particular PE-Backed Corporate (40%) saw a marked increase. This was largely driven by the challenging environment for PE investing last year with macro pressures as well as cost of debt all contributing.

Please contact us if you want to hear about any of these deals in greater detail.